Swim Team

Thank you for your interest in supporting the Gretna Swim Team Booster Club.

Your support will help us pay for team meals, team t-shirts, swim caps, goggles and more for the 2024-2025 season.

Your support is a tax-deductible donation under the umbrella organization, the Gretna Public Schools Foundation.

Be sure to follow us on social media!  
Twitter: @GretnaSwimming
Facebook: @GretnaSwimTeamBoosters

The 2024-2025 Swimming Fees - $100 per athlete

  • Gretna Swim Team Supporter (custom amount)

  • Business sponsorship custom amount of your choice. Businesses who choose to support us through this link will receive recognition across the Swim Team Booster Club’s social media platforms as a thank you.

(If you are facing financial difficulties at this time and any additional costs would cause a hardship please reach out to Coach Kari and the Booster Club will take care of this fee.)

The 2024-2025 swimming fees are $100 per athlete.